Silver fox versus young buck

‘Age before beauty’, ‘youth is wasted on the young’, ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’, ‘youth’s a stuff will not endure’… etc. Is there no end to the number of things people have to say about youth and age.

Following last week’s musings and in response to one of my readers (hi there, ‘Lou’), I am looking at whether it’s better to wind up with an older or younger lover.

The only problem here is that ‘older’ or ‘younger’ is a rather moveable feast as I am becoming rather older myself. In my mid-twenties I had a drunken interlude with a man of 45 which at the time felt like being with a much older man. Whereas now, I would think 45 was not that old, really. I also remember at a similar age (I must have been hot stuff at this point in my life – pity I squandered it) rejecting the advances of an 18-year-old, telling him he was just too young. I would be lucky at my current age for someone of 30 to approach me and besides, I am just not attractive /youthful enough to be a MILF.

So, all I can do is take a not-too-serious look at older and younger men, drawn from my experiences and if I over-generalise, tough – it saves me sending out a questionnaire.

Younger guys obviously have the advantage of bouncy, springy bodies, faster metabolisms and natural muscle tone. But occasionally their hormones are all over the place which means they can still get the odd zit. They probably keep up with the latest fashions, but their lack of financial planning often means they don’t have enough to buy decent undies – I remember an ex who had tatty old pants which were just gusset hanging off an elastic waistband.

Older guys usually know what suits them, so are less likely to commit clothing crimes, unless they are trying too hard to look hip and ‘down with the kids’ by wearing jeans halfway down their posteriors. A few bits of grey hair can also give a man an edge of distinction. Laughter lines also look good on men, but sadly make women look rather tired.

Conclusion: Close draw – I don’t dress for fashion, just choose the bits I like, so would feel self-conscious around an ultra-trendy young guy. But I would enjoy his firm butt.

Idea of a good time                                                                                                           I have never been drawn to any man for his wallet so will take older guy’s spending power out of the equation, even if it does mean a night away in a posh hotel.

Young guy could probably take me to a gig of a band I have never heard of or out to a night club where I would not be able to hear a word he said. He would also talk to me in ‘youff’ vernacular which I wouldn’t understand.

Older guy could regale me with anecdotes about his adventures and references to TV shows which were before my time. I wouldn’t object to the occasional trip to the garden centre or tour of a stately home, but if this were every week, I would vault over the nearest fence and make my escape.

Conclusion: Even Stevens.

Sex skills                                                                                                                      The young guy would obviously have fantastic stamina and be able to go numerous rounds, if he could re-assemble his soldiers quickly after each battle. Or he may explode and shoot his load within 30 seconds of entry, if it all gets a bit too much for him. The other down side could be his fumbling attempts at foreplay. My experiences suggest he would make a rough attempt at locating my ‘bean’, abandon it after a few seconds then push my head onto his member, swiftly shove himself inside me and go at it like a pneumatic drill until he has satisfied himself. I did warn you there would be generalisations here!

Older guy on the other hand may have problems mobilising his army who are liable to sit around smoking or drinking tea. However, assuming this isn’t a problem and that I have the fortune to be with an experienced older guy (as, dear reader, age doesn’t necessarily mean experience), he will have an impressive foreplay repertoire. The older guys I have encountered also tend to be rather less selfish about ensuring we both enjoy our roll in the hay.

Conclusion: Older guy by a silver whisker, but there are exceptions to every rule and I recall an amazing session with an athletic youth who had a natural aptitude for good, unselfish bonking. I also know he married a woman eight years his senior (lucky bitch).

So, there it is, a non-scientific comparison with no overall conclusion. Age is just a number and if you have the thing/mojo/chemistry/je ne sais quoi it doesn’t matter if you’re 22 or 62 – I won’t discriminate.

4 thoughts on “Silver fox versus young buck

  1. Ah, DSM. Where were you when I was there ? Nine thousand miles is just too far.

    Sounds like you have tested both ends of the scale and it’s good to hear the old guys seem to win even if it is by that silver whisker. ( Have you noticed how many of them haven’t worked out a grey beard adds twenty years ?)

    Of course you have missed out that the recreational use of Cialis gives one a standing army ready to go at a moments notice and although junior can get it as well, he still has that lack of discipline that lets the old guy wait till he sees the whites of their eyes and hears the squeals before shooting.

    Tell “The Man” to be a little less cavalier , because other cavalry are just over the horizon and can be there within twenty four hours, and pants aren’t an issue on a date – we come prepared and go commando 🙂

    I should point out sight unseen is not a problem from this end as our biggest sexual organ is the brain. Just as the easiest way into a pair of knickers is by making her laugh, it works the other way round into a pair of trousers as well. Nothing more attractive than an intelligent and eloquent woman talking dirty, and hey MILF, it was you who pointed out the moveable feast.

    Lou Smorrals

    PS. How long did it take for you to fire up Google Earth 🙂

    • Hey Lou. I agree with you on the grey beards front – not a good look, especially if it doesn’t match the hair!

      Humour is a powerful aphrodisiac – it certainly works for me. And despite his ‘cavalier’ attitude The Man always tickles my fancy.

      I like the idea of your commando cavalry – it creates a rather enticing image!


      • What to say about agism apart from, as we get older all our perspectives change. My ex-mother in law, a raging beauty in her youth with a razor sharp mind, always had a thing for older men – but life is very different for her now, in her 70th year with a partner of 92. Maybe the point is not to worry about what you might end up with, and concentrate instead on the journey.

        I’m sure you do yourself a disservice when you declare yourself non MILF material, I bet there are plenty of young bucks who’d queue around the block if they thought you were available.

        Ha ha, DSM, So you write for women (Cliterati etal)? And end up with at least 2 male fans. But as Lou so rightly says, there’s nothing more sexy than a women with an attractive mind.

        Not that I wish to start on politics, but I’m just old enough to remember that for each enemy Mrs Thatcher made, there was at least another man who thought her the sexiest women alive (and she didn’t even talk dirty).

        Now there’s a subject for you; wit to woo, just to keep the commando cavalry rearing up.

        • Hello there DGS. I am glad you are enjoying the journey and the places my pages take you too. I may write for Cliterati, but I don’t have a set audience in mind – just anyone who enjoys reading me. If you consider yourself, I am glad you have you on board.

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